Blogging and copywriting are somewhat similar. They are used to share information online and are published on websites. These two are sometimes used interchangeably; but, they are not actually the same thing.

A blog is a collection of journal or informational articles that are in a reversed chronological order. These articles can be about a specific topic or niche or can be a variety of different topics.

A copy, on the other hand, is a piece of writing that promotes something. This is a type of article that is used to introduce or promote a service or product and convinces consumers to purchase the product that is being promoted.


Blogging usually focuses on a single topic or theme only. The focus topic is explained or expounded through multiple articles. The breaking down of the topic into multiple articles will make it easy for the writer to explain the topic accurately and comprehensively. Doing so will also help readers to know more about the topic in an in-depth fashion.

There are also blogs that tackle two or more topics or themes. This blog, LifeSavvy.Info, is an example of that. There are different topics or themes focused on this blog such as education, writing and arts & crafts. But, there is a central theme – tips for savvy living – that makes the collection of different topics sensible. It is not a nonsensical collection of topics but an assortment of topics that make up and support the theme.

A good blog should be focused on a central theme regardless of how many sub-topics it may have. Unless stated so, a good blog should be focused on a single niche to help readers understand what the blog is all about in a single glance.


Copywriting usually focuses on a single service or product that is being promoted. A copy is not only posted on websites but on various reading materials as well (ads, promotional materials and more).

A copy does not need to be on divided into multiple articles since its purpose is to make consumers take action as soon as possible. All of the needed details for the product or service are often included in copies. This allows consumers to decide whether they need to purchase the product or not.

If a copy is promoting several products or services in a single article, the merchandise often belongs to a single line or collection. This allows the provider to promote multiple products in a single article. Hence, in a way, a copy is similar to a blog since both focus on a singular topic or theme.

Blogging is mostly used to provide information while connecting to its audience. Copywriting, on the other hand, is usually used to provide information to convince consumers to take action. Both are equally informative, making them equally essential content.

These two types of articles are what you usually see online so it would be advantageous to learn more about them. This will allow you to judge which type of article you should read and use as reference based on your needs. Blogs are quite useful when looking up information and instructions.

Meanwhile, copies are advantageous when you are shopping or are looking for products and services. Keep in mind, though, that copies are aimed to make you take action. Hence, you might want to read independent blog reviews before making your choice to ensure you are making informed and unbiased decisions.

Learn more about blogging here!

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